This refreshing salad is fabulous! We recommend pairing it with a steak entree aka (Date Night Flank)!

Yield: 2 (split with a big meal) OR 1 for meal

• 2 large hand fulls of mixed spring salad
• 5 strawberries sliced
• 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
• 4 tsps of Gnarly Pepper Like Mayo Or 1 Tear Packet of Like Mayo
• 1/4 cup plain greek yogurt
• 1 tablespoon blood orange olive oil  (or reg OV — or a lemon, grape, etc..)
• 2 tsps. Gnarly Pepper Veggie blend

1. In a small bowl, Mix plain greek yogurt, Like Mayo, OV & Veggie blend together = “Dressing”
2. For the salad, place in a medium bowl.
3. Dollop the “Dressing” here-and-there on salad bed. Mix around with fork and knife, cutting up and mixing around to spread dressing throughout salad.
4. Toss in sliced strawberries.
5. Sprinkle in Feta cheese.
6. Add a dash of pepper and ommmmgggggg so delicious!

The blood orange olive oil was a nice touch. If you don’t have anything like that on hand, use another tsp of Veggie Blend and/or Like Mayo to flavor up regular olive oil.