Serve this recipe hot or cold!

Yield: 4 • Appetizer Style

• 1 can (8-10oz) Jarred artichoke hearts
• Half Bag of fresh Spinach (8oz-ish)
• 3/4 cup of Feta Cheese
• 1 cup of Plain Greek Yogurt
• 4tsp of Gnarly Pepper Onion Dip Blend or (1 Tear Packet of Gnarly Pepper Onion Dip)
• 2tsp of Gnarly Pepper Like Mayo
• Fresh Bread
• Olive Oil for Bread

  1. Skillet on Medium heat — toss Artichoke hearts n!
  2. Add spinach in handfuls at the time while it wilts.
  3. Shake in Feta cheese. Once all spinach has wilted, turn heat off (even pull from heat source).
  4. Add one cup of plain greek yogurt along with your 4tsp of Gnarly Onion Blend and 2 tsp of Like Mayo– Stir, OMG.

Bread:  Slice bread, dust with Olive Oil — bake in toaster over or a quick broil in oven.

Important to pull from heat so greek yogurt does not curd/chalk up. Any chip you prefer works instead of the bread.